How To Unblock Chakras: The Complete Guide


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Low energy, struggling to focus, or just feeling down? Your chakras may be blocked.

Located along your spine from the base of your tailbone up to the crown of your head, your chakras are the seven main energy centers of the body through which your life force, or prana, flows.

Your chakras are considered essential to your vitality and wellbeing, according to ancient Hindu tradition.

In this article, you’ll learn several techniques for how to unblock chakras quickly and easily!

What is a Blocked Chakra?

When your chakras are in balance and your prana is flowing freely, life is better.

You feel more connected to yourself and the world around you. You have energy and enthusiasm for life, and you’re able to handle anything that comes your way.

But when one or more of your chakras becomes imbalanced, life can become difficult.

You may struggle to think clearly or focus, or you might feel out of touch with yourself and your surroundings. You may also feel physically unwell, with aches, pains, or fatigue.

A blocked chakra is a type of imbalanced chakra.

Imbalanced chakras can manifest as either overactive or blocked.

Overactive chakras are characterized by physical or behavioral excesses like over-indulging in hedonistic activities.

But on the other hand, when you’re under-functioning or under-performing in a certain area, that is typically a sign of a blocked chakra.

Signs Your Chakras are Blocked

Blocked chakras are extremely common in modern society.

And depending on which chakras are blocked, you may notice different signs or symptoms pop up.

Here’s how to tell which chakra (or chakras) may be blocked:

Signs your root chakra is blocked

  • You feel like you’re floating, unsteady, or ungrounded.
  • You are feeling heightened anxiety and nervousness, with no discernible cause.
  • You are struggling with insomnia and nightmares.
  • You are experiencing physical symptoms in your lower digestive tract, including gas, bloating, or constipation, or pain in your lower back.

Signs your sacral chakra is blocked

  • You feel creatively blocked, and lack motivation for your hobbies and passions.
  • You struggle with sexual disfunction, such a low sex drive, lack of arousal, or inability to orgasm.
  • You feel disconnected from your body, and may be struggling with bad habits and compulsive behavior that leaves you feeling empty and ashamed.

Signs your solar plexus chakra is blocked

  • You lack confidence and feel unworthy of recognition, love, and attention.
  • You are indecisive and feel stuck and powerless over the direction of your life.
  • You are experiencing physical symptoms in your upper abdomen such as stomach discomfort, heartburn, nausea, or indigestion.

Signs your heart chakra is blocked

  • You are unhappily single, but you fear intimacy and vulnerability.
  • You feel lonely, isolated, and disconnected from others.
  • You struggle to express your emotions, even with your closest loved ones.
  • You feel tightness in your chest in social settings or intimate situations.

Signs your throat chakra is blocked

  • You’re afraid to express your thoughts and opinions.
  • You are having trouble speaking up for yourself and feel your voice is being ignored.
  • It’s difficult to be assertive, and people tend to walk all over you.
  • You are experiencing physical tension in the throat or neck area, or frequent headaches and migraines. 

Signs your third eye chakra is blocked

  • You struggle to make basic decisions.
  • You feel disconnected from your intuition.
  • You have a hard time focusing or paying attention.
  • You worry about the future and have a hard time living in the present moment.
  • You are experiencing symptoms such as headaches, migraines, and brain fog.

Signs your crown chakra is blocked

  • You feel isolated and alone in life.
  • You feel disconnected from your spirituality.
  • You struggle with depression, anxiety, or insomnia.
  • You are experiencing symptoms such as headaches, migraines, and brain fog.

Which Chakra Should You Unblock First?

Always start with the root chakra, and work your way up, focusing on balancing and activating each chakra in sequence until you reach your blocked chakra.

The lower chakras provide the energetic foundation for the higher chakras, and even if your lower chakras seem to be functioning just fine, it’s a best practice to start at the bottom and work your way up for optimal results.

If multiple chakras in your system are blocked, the same logic applies – focus on unblocking and balancing your lowest blocked chakra first, then work your way up in sequence.

7 Simple Ways to Unblock Your Chakras

Once you’ve identified which of your chakras may be blocked, it’s time to get to work unblocking them!

Luckily, there are several simple methods for bringing your chakras back into balance and boosting your overall vitality and zest for life:

1. How to unblock chakras with yoga

Yoga is one of the most effective ways to unblock chakras!

Because so many yoga poses work to improve circulation and mobility, it’s perfect for restoring the energy flow through your body and chakras as well.

However, some advanced yoga poses have a steep learning curve, and everyone responds differently to different positions. Yoga is intended to be a lifelong process of learning and growth, so it’s essential to approach with beginner’s mind.

To get you started, here is a list of recommended poses for unblocking each chakra:

  • Yoga poses for unblocking your root chakra:
    • Warrior pose
    • Tree pose
    • Eagle pose
  • Yoga poses for unblocking your sacral chakra:
    • Goddess pose
    • Revolved triangle pose
    • Pigeon pose
  • Yoga poses for unblocking your solar plexus chakra:
    • Sun salutation
    • Boat pose
    • Mountain pose
  • Yoga poses for unblocking your heart chakra:
    • Camel pose
    • Cobra pose
    • Upward facing dog
  • Yoga poses for unblocking your throat chakra:
    • Support headstand
    • Supported shoulder stand
    • Circling the neck
  • Yoga poses for unblocking your third eye chakra:
    • Dolphin pose
    • Cat pose
    • The easy pose
  • Yoga poses for unblocking your crown chakra:
    • Balancing butterfly pose
    • Headstand
    • Corpse pose

2. How to unblock chakras with mantras

A mantra is a sound, word, or phrase that is repeated during meditation.

The repetition of the mantra helps to focus the mind and can create a sense of tranquility. Used in a wide range of spiritual practices, including yoga and prayer, mantras are actually a form of sound healing.

There are specific Bija mantras for treating each of the seven chakras. As you use each mantra below, pay attention to how each sound vibrates in your throat, chest, and abdomen. Try to extend each mantra sound long enough to ground yourself in its unique vibrations.

  • Mantra for unblocking your root chakra:
    • Lam.
  • Mantra for unblocking your sacral chakra:
    • Vam.
  • Mantra for unblocking your solar plexus chakra:
    • Ram.
  • Mantra for unblocking your heart chakra:
    • Yam.
  • Mantra for unblocking your throat chakra:
    • Ham.
  • Mantra for unblocking your third eye chakra:
    • Sham.
  • Mantra for unblocking your crown chakra:
    • Om.
how to unblock your chakras

3. How to unblock chakras with positive affirmations

Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself, either out loud or silently in your mind.

Affirmations can be about anything, but for the purpose of unblocking chakras, you should focus on the symptoms (and desired state) of each individual chakra. 

Chakra affirmations will help you to direct your intentions and energy to that specific chakra.

For example, if your root chakra is blocked, you would focus on reciting affirmations that relate to safety and security.

To get started unblocking your chakras with affirmations, try the sample statements below. Then, create your own!

  • Affirmations for unblocking your root chakra:
    • I am safe.
    • I am supported.
    • I am connected to the Earth and my body.
    • I am present in the moment.
    • I trust myself and my intuition.
    • I am grounded and stable.
  • Affirmations for unblocking your sacral chakra:
    • I am open to new creative experiences.
    • I am worthy of pleasure and enjoyment.
    • I am sexually confident and expressive.
    • My body is a temple of pleasure and vitality.
    • I am connected to my body and it feels good.
  • Affirmations for unblocking your solar plexus chakra:
    • I am confident and self-assured.
    • I am powerful and free to be myself.
    • I am worthy of recognition and respect.
    • I trust myself and my decisions.
    • I am in complete control of my life.
  • Affirmations for unblocking your heart chakra:
    • I am worthy of deep, unconditional love.
    • I am open to giving and receiving love.
    • I am surrounded by endless, abundant love.
    • I choose forgiveness and grace in all situations.
    • My love brings others joy and comfort.
  • Affirmations for unblocking your throat chakra:
    • I am safe and supported in freely expressing my truth.
    • My voice is powerful, clear, and compelling.
    • I am a skilled, confident communicator.
    • I am strong and assertive, calmly holding my ground always.
    • When I speak my truth, people listen and are moved to action.
  • Affirmations for unblocking your third eye chakra:
    • I trust my intuition and inner guidance.
    • I am connected to my higher wisdom and truth.
    • I am receptive to new perspectives and insights from the universe.
    • My third eye is open and clear.
    • I am attuned to the energies around me and use this power for the highest good.
  • Affirmations for unblocking your crown chakra:
    • God is with me now.
    • I am always receiving divine guidance.
    • We are all one love, one consciousness.
    • I am at peace with myself and the universe.
    • I am free from judgment and criticism.
    • I am limitless and free.

4. How to unblock chakras with meditation

Meditation is an ancient practice used for centuries to promote a state of inner peace and tranquility, both in the body and in the mind.

Because it requires focusing the mind on a single point of attention (such as the breath, a mantra, or a visual object), meditation is also an extremely effective way to unblock chakras and restore balance in the body.

To start, find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. You may want to light a candle or incense to set the mood. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, noticing how each inhalation and exhalation feels in your body. Once you’re relaxed, you can start to focus your energy and intention on your blocked chakras.

Personally, I love the Seven Chakra Meditation detailed below! There are also many free guided chakra meditations available focused just on unblocking a specific chakra.

Seven Chakra Meditation (To Balance and Unblock Chakras)

  1. Focus on your root chakra at the base of your spine. As you inhale, visualize a bright red light entering your body with your breath. Feel the red light travel down to your root chakra, cleansing and clearing away any blockages there. Continue to breathe deeply and visualize the red light until you feel your root chakra is fully open and balanced.
  2. Next, move on to your sacral chakra. This chakra is located just below your navel. As you inhale, visualize a bright orange light entering your body with your breath. Feel the red light travel down to your sacral chakra, cleansing and clearing away any blockages there. Continue to breathe deeply and visualize the orange light until you feel your sacral chakra is fully open and balanced.
  3. Now, focus on your solar plexus chakra, in the center of your upper abdomen just below your sternum. As you inhale, visualize a bright yellow light entering your body with your breath. Feel the yellow light travel deep into your solar plexus chakra, cleansing and clearing away any blockages there. Continue to breathe deeply and visualize the yellow light until you feel your solar plexus chakra is fully open and balanced.
  4. Next, move on to your heart chakra, in the center of your chest. As you inhale, visualize a bright green light entering your body with your breath. Feel the green light travel down to your heart chakra, cleansing and clearing away any blockages there. Continue to breathe deeply and visualize the green light until you feel your heart chakra is fully open and balanced.
  5. Now, focus on your throat chakra. As you inhale, visualize a bright blue light entering your body with your breath. Feel the blue light travel deep into your throat chakra, cleansing and clearing away any blockages there. Continue to breathe deeply and visualize the blue light until you feel your throat chakra is fully open and balanced.
  6. Next, turn your attention to your third eye chakra, which is located in the center of your forehead. As you inhale, visualize an indigo (blue/purple) light entering your body with your breath. Feel the indigo light travel up to your third eye chakra, cleansing and clearing away any blockages there. Continue to breathe deeply and visualize the indigo light until you feel your third eye chakra is fully open and balanced.
  7. Finally, focus on your crown chakra, which is located at the very top of your heaf. As you inhale, visualize a bright purple light entering your body with your breath. Feel the purple light travel up to your crown chakra, cleansing and clearing away any blockages there. Continue to breathe deeply and visualize the purple light until you feel your crown chakra is fully open and balanced.

5. How to unblock chakras with tapping (EFT)

Tapping, or Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), involves gently tapping on key points on the body while focusing on a particular issue or goal.

Based on the principle that all negative emotions are caused by a disruption in the body’s energy system, this simple technique can help unblock your chakras and allow your nervous system to fully relax.

Here is a great video demonstration for how to unblock chakras with tapping:

As you tap, focus on your breath and relax into the sensation. If any negative thoughts or emotions come up, simply acknowledge them and let them go. After a few rounds of tapping, you should feel more relaxed and energetically balanced.

6. How to unblock chakras with crystals

Crystals have been used since ancient times to protect against negative energy, attract desired outcomes, and heal the body and mind.

Each chakra is associated with specific crystals that are considered most effective on aiding the flow of energy through that particular chakra.

(The links below take you to ETSY, my favorite place to shop for crystals!)

To get started unblocking your chakras with crystals, choose the appropriate stone for your blocked chakra, using the list above.

After cleansing and charging your crystal, lie down and place the crystal directly on your body over the effected chakra while meditating on your intention to unblock that chakra.

Visualize that chakra opening and releasing the blockage, allowing energy to flow freely through your chakra.

7. How to unblock chakras with visualization

Visualization is a popular form of meditation that allows you to create a powerful mental image of your desired outcome.

When it comes to unblocking your chakras, there are a few different visualization techniques you can use:

  • Visualize each chakra as a spinning wheel of light. Start with the root chakra and work your way up to the crown chakra, focusing on the mental image of each chakra as a spinning disc of light in its respective corresponding color. Once you have visualized all of the chakras, see them begin to spin faster and faster until you feel the blockages break free and energy flowing freely throughout your entire body.
  • Visualize each chakra as a flower bud opening up and blossoming in its corresponding color. Again, start with the root chakra and work your way up through each chakra, concluding with the crown chakra. For each chakra, focus on the mental image of a tight bud opening up wide and releasing a bright light as it blossoms. Feel the petals relax and stretch open for each chakra until you feel energy flowing freely through your body.
  • Visualize colored waves of light flowing through each chakra in sequence, loosening any blockages. Focus on feeling the waves of light vibrate and re-activate each chakra until the flow of energy in your body is fully restored.


Writer + Creator of Vital Ethos

Sasha is a writer, spiritual teacher, highly sensitive intuitive, and artist on a mission to illuminate your path to personal growth and transformation with helpful tools and resources like digital journals and workbooks ✨

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