Are Ladybugs Good Luck? Discover the Spiritual Meaning of Ladybugs


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With their glossy red bodies, distinctive black spots, and delicate fluttering wings, ladybugs have been delighting humans for centuries!

But when a ladybug lands on you, it’s impossible not to wonder – are ladybugs good luck?

Yes – ladybugs are considered a good luck symbol by cultures around the world. But the exact spiritual meaning of a ladybug sighting depends on the context.

In this article, we’ll explore the nuances around the symbolism of ladybugs, the spiritual meaning of ladybugs in various contexts, and what the different colors and spot counts mean.

So if you’re a ladybug lover, you’re in luck!  

The History of Ladybugs as Good Luck Symbols

Are Ladybugs Good Luck? Discover the Spiritual Meaning of Ladybugs 1

The first time ladybugs popped up as signs of good luck was in Europe during the Middle Ages, when farmers prayed to the Virgin Mary for help saving their crops from vast swarms of aphids.

The red spotted insects appeared and devoured the aphids, rescuing the harvest, and were given the nickname of “our Lady’s beetle” as a way to give thanks to the Virgin Mary. 

But the tradition of ladybugs as portents of good luck goes beyond Europe.

In Chinese culture, red is an auspicious color, symbolizing good luck, joy, and happiness. Thus, ladybugs are often depicted in Chinese art and literature as a symbol of happiness and prosperity.

And in Japan, many people release live ladybugs into their gardens in hopes of attracting good fortune.

Are Ladybugs Good Luck When They Land on You?

When a ladybug lands on you, it’s a sign that good luck is headed your way.

To make the most of this special and rare moment, don’t forget to make a wish before the ladybug flies away! The number of spots is said to be the number of months you need to wait until your wish comes true.

Are Ladybugs Good Luck in Your House?

Humans have long welcomed ladybugs into their homes as harbingers of good luck.

In addition to their reputation as protectors against unwanted pests, ladybugs are also seen as a sign of spring and new beginnings. Ladybugs serve as a reminder that after a long winter (real or symbolic), sunnier days on the way!

Are Ladybugs Good Luck in Your Car?

If you find a ladybug in your car, consider it a good luck sign and enjoy the ride!

Whether you’re embarking on a long road trip or a quick errand, seeing a ladybug in your car is a positive sign that your journey will be a lucky one. That goes for your actual physical travels– but also any big moves on the horizon, like a new relationship, new job, or new home.

Are Ladybugs Good Luck for Love?

Spotting a ladybug (or two!) is considered to be a very lucky sign for the romantic relationships in your life.

The color red has long been associated with undying love and passionate romance, so along with red roses, shiny red ladybugs are a sign that you’re destined to be lucky in love.

And if you’re lucky enough to spot a pair of ladybugs, get ready to find your soulmate!

Fantasy floral landscape with one ladybug on a flower stem and another flying through the air

Are Ladybugs Good Luck Financially?

Ladybugs are considered powerful signs of good fortune and prosperity, which likely harkens back to their long history of ushering in abundant harvests.

Red is also associated with wealth and prosperity in certain cultures, particularly in Asia.

So if a ladybug lands on you or shows up in your home, it’s a sign that a financial windfall or opportunity may be coming your way soon!

Are Ladybugs Good Luck? Discover the Spiritual Meaning of Ladybugs 2

Are Ladybugs Good Luck for Fertility?

It’s commonly believed that ladybugs are very good luck for fertility if you are trying to start a family.

Many couples who are trying to conceive will put ladybug houses in their gardens in hopes of attracting them. You can also cultivate a variety of plants that ladybugs love!

Even though there is no scientific evidence that proves ladybugs enhance fertility, these charming insects will surely bring joy to hopeful families (and keep gardens safe from pests).

Are Ladybugs a Sign from Heaven?

If you’ve lost a loved one, seeing a ladybug unexpectedly might mean they are protecting you and watching over you from above.

While it’s a common occurrence to spot ladybugs outdoors or in your garden, if a ladybug lands on you, turns up in your house, or appears in an environment that your loved one frequented, this could definitely be a sign from a heaven!

Are Ladybugs a Sign of Divine Protection?

Spotting a bright red ladybug when you’re feeling vulnerable or lost could be a sign that you are divinely protected!

Ladybugs have been protecting our crops and gardens from pests for centuries, making these insects powerful portents of protection and security. Many believe that ladybugs ward off sickness and disease, ushering in good health and longevity.

Additionally, the bold red hue of ladybugs aligns with the red root chakra, which is responsible for feelings of safety and security in our subtle energy systems.

What Do Ladybug Spots Symbolize?

The number of spots on a ladybug’s back have long been a source of fascination and speculation for spiritual seekers.

Are Ladybugs Good Luck? Discover the Spiritual Meaning of Ladybugs 3

Many believe that the number of spots signifies how many years of good luck lie ahead for you.

Some also say that, if you make a wish when a ladybug lands on you, the number of spots indicates how many months you’ll need to wait until your wish comes true.

Others believe the number of spots on a ladybug foretells how many children you will have.

And one folk legend common among farmers claims that ladybugs with 7 or more spots warns of an approaching famine, while fewer than 7 spots means predicts a good harvest.

While the number of spots on a ladybug can be interpreted in myriad ways, you should use your intuition to land on the meaning that makes the most sense for your personal life situation.

What Do The Different Ladybug Colors Symbolize?

Most people are familiar with the classic red ladybug with black spots, but did you know that there are over 6,000 different species of ladybugs in the world?

Ladybugs come in a wide variety of colors, including red, orange, yellow, green, brown, and even black. Read on to learn what the different ladybug colors symbolize.

Are Ladybugs Good Luck? Discover the Spiritual Meaning of Ladybugs 4

What do Red Ladybugs symbolize?

Red ladybugs typically symbolize good luck, but they can also represent love, passion, and protection.

What do Pink Ladybugs symbolize?

Pink ladybugs are believed to represent innocence and the presence of angels.

What do Orange Ladybugs symbolize?

Orange ladybugs are often seen as a sign of optimism and hope.

What do Yellow Ladybugs symbolize?

Yellow ladybugs are quite rare, and are associated with good luck, joy, and happiness.

What do Green Ladybugs symbolize?

Green ladybugs are believed to bring wealth, prosperity, and abundance.

What do Brown Ladybugs symbolize?

Brown ladybugs are associated with fertility, renewal, and longevity. 

What do Black Ladybugs symbolize?

Black ladybugs can represent transformation, rebirth, and overcoming challenges.

Ladybug resting on almond blossom flowers. Are ladybugs good luck?


Writer + Creator of Vital Ethos

Sasha is a writer, spiritual teacher, highly sensitive intuitive, and artist on a mission to illuminate your path to personal growth and transformation with helpful tools and resources like digital journals and workbooks ✨

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